Song Scrapbook

1915 recruiting poster offering gringo soldiers of fortune gold to ride with Pancho Villa

1915 recruiting poster offering gringo soldiers of fortune gold to ride with Pancho Villa

Pancho Villa Rides Again

In 1913 Pancho Villa emerged as one of the most charismatic leaders in the Mexican Revolution. From Chihuahua to Xochimilco, General Villa and his army of the North won victory after victory. In 1915 Pancho Villa marched triumphantly into Mexico City with fellow revolutionary Emiliano Zapata to occupy the National Palace and install a new government. Pancho Villa had succeeded where all others had failed. He had broken the decades long chain of dictatorship which had ruled Mexico, and given the Mexican people new hope for the future of their land.

Classic Villa with his soldados, bandoliers and sombrero

Classic Villa with his soldados, bandoliers and sombrero

Some of the Lyrics from Pancho Villa Rides Again

Come ride with Villa ~ Join Pancho Villa
We ride for glory and for gold
We fight for freedom ~ We fight for justice
And most of all we fight for Mexico

Written by Frank Fara
How the West Was Sung Music BMI

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